Thank you for your interest in joining a team and contributing your gifts and talents to the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

Kindly provide all the requested information below as comprehensively as possible.

God Bless.

Personal Details

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Spiritual Life
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Reason for Interest in Team

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DBS Requirement

If you are likely to interact regularly with children or vulnerable adults, you may be required to undertake a DBS Check

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Please select at least one of the options

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The Statement of Faith is available at the link below

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Please the name of a Leader in New Wine Church who can provide a reference for you.

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Please enter Surname

E.g. Pastor, Minister, Cell Group Leader etc.

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Please provide the email address of the person who can give a reference for you.

Please enter a valid email

Please provide the mobile number of the person who can give a reference for you.

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Your completed application form will be handled with strict confidentiality in accordance with the New Wine Church Privacy Policy, a copy of which is available from the church office or from our website (

By completing this form you agree to our privacy policy.

Please ensure that all sections of the form are completed as required before you submit the form.

Thank You.